Bioinformatics research group
Group leader: Eszter Ari
- Active PhD students: András Asbóth (50%), Balázs Bohár (50%), Ágoston Hunya (50%), Tamás Kadlecsik (50%)
- Graduated PhD students: Amanda Demeter (2020, 50%), Dániel Gerber (2024, 50%)
- Active master students: -
- Graduated master students: András Asbóth, Balázs Bohár, Misshelle Bustamante, Ágoston Hunya, Orsolya Liska, Márton Ölbei
- Active bachelor students: Ákos Kimpián
- Graduated bachelor students: Eszter Bozsó, Kata Ferenc, Leila Gul, Ágoston Hunya, Krisztina Martonosi, Klaudia Saru, Rebeka Sóskuthy, Mónika Szabó, Laura Tamási, Réka Vajda, Bálint Vásárhelyi
Main research areas
Investigating the mobility of antimicrobial resistance genes
Creating and maintaining the TFLink database, an integrated gateway to access transcription factor - target gene interactions for multiple species
We created and maintain the TFLink database that uniquely provides comprehensive and highly accurate information on transcription factor - target gene interactions, nucleotide sequences and genomic locations of transcription factor binding sites for human and six model organisms. We integrated the results of small- and large-scale approaches from ten different databases. We published our results in the Database journal.
Developing an R package, called mulea for functional enrichment analyses
We are developing the mulea (multi enrichment analysis) R package, an extensive analytical tool using diverse databases (e.g. Gene Ontology, pathways, miRNAs, transcription factors or protein domains) and provides statistical models and p-value correction procedures that can extend our understanding of the results of various high-throughput analyses. mulea uniquely provides a permutation-based, empirical false discovery rate correction of the p-values making the gene set overrepresentation analyses more reliable.